
Red and pink Lotus art 

what is it? Meditation is a state of “being”. In scripture from the earliest times, it is written and referenced as being in the state of “prayer and meditation”. They would go off somewhere to a quiet place, to “pray and meditate” in order to go inside themselves, to get grounded and commune with the Divine God.

Meditation is being in the state often called consciousness, where you are inside of your beingness connected to the Divine and all of life. In grasping this concept, recall yourself inside your mother’s womb, where you were growing. There is no time or space, it’s like you are just floating. There are no schedules, no appointments, no needing to be anywhere except right where you are. You don’t own a car, or clothes or a TV. There is nothing to decide or think about. You are being totally nurtured, loved and receiving. There is a feeling of being connected to all and everything. No separateness.

The Divine God is Love, peace, calm and serenity and when you are in this state, this is when you will “receive” your most precious inspirations, creativity and answers to the questions you most often want answers to. When meditating you are closing out the distractions of the world and being in the state of love. With this peacefulness, you can hear more clearly the voice of God.

Meditation has bountiful benefits for your wellness in Mind, Body and Soul. The body moves into a state of natural balance and wellbeing. Practiced even for 10 minutes a day, can improve your life dramatically.