Black white photo Christine Schwarz   About Christine Schwarz

Christine Schwarz is a teacher, trainer, speaker, writer, Life Empowerment Coach, Music Professional and Engineer.

She created “Courageous Faith in the Divine” in 2018 to inspire and empower women to create the beautiful life they deserve.

Her belief is that all women stand the strongest when they become aware and lean into their collective unity and Divine connection, to create a better world.

Her website will inspire you to take action, step into your Life Purpose, and grab the hand of the woman next to you, for a fun journey of abundance and joy.


Christine Schwarz Empowers Woman 

Christine has real life experience of creating a life as a single woman and working in major industries. She knows the priceless value of women in the workplace and their impact to creating a better world through their own natural instincts.


Christine Schwarz Biography

Christine Schwarz started her career life as a Dental Technician. In her early 20’s she started performing and traveling as a successful self-employed Professional Music artist and has been a member of the Recording Academy for 15 years. She later put herself through Engineering school becoming an senior level Engineering Specialist and working for the top Companies in the US such as Jacobs, Flour Daniel and Raytheon. She is trained and experienced as a Career and Life Coach. Her favorite topic is self mastery and team work.